Just like with my prior series of Heir to the Empire figures, I am aware that this storyline has been relegated to “Legends” status by Disney/LucasFilm, but I still have fond memories of it from the 1990s. So of course, I had to make at least a few figures from it! I chose to base these designs on the graphic novel/comic book versions of the characters, and had to take a little artistic license in a few areas. But hopefully you will enjoy them!

Luke Skywalker (Imperial Guard Disguise)

Files to Print

Order Figure

Lando Calrissian (Stormtrooper Armor)

Files to Print

Order Figure

Luke Skywalker (Vest)

Files to Print

Order Figure

Princess Leia (version 1)

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Order Figure

Princess Leia (version 2)

Files to Print

Order Figure